Saint Andrew’s United Church are pleased to announce the Student Minister for this year: Kevin Parks.
You know Kevin as the Minister of Music at Saint Andrew’s. For this academic year (September – May) Kevin will also serve as Student Minister, in completion of the M. Divinity degree at Atlantic School of Theology.
Kevin will continue to provide worship leadership with music, prayer, and now, preaching. But the focus of AST’s Year 2 Practicum is Pastoral Ministry: visitation, pastoral relations, and faith formation. The practicum placement is 8 hours per week so we will be seeing more of Kevin in new and different ways – but not as a full-time minister (yet!).
It is a gift to participate in theological education and formation. We thank God for Kevin, his call, and our growing relationship in the Community of Christ.
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. Psalm 32:8