The Sandy Cove Conservancy to clean up

Are you coming to beautiful #SandyCove tomorrow with us and The Sandy Cove Conservancy to clean up one of the most beautiful beaches in #NovaScotia?!
Are you coming to beautiful #SandyCove tomorrow with us and The Sandy Cove Conservancy to clean up one of the most beautiful beaches in #NovaScotia?!

Are you coming to beautiful #SandyCove tomorrow with us and The Sandy Cove Conservancy to clean up one of the most beautiful beaches in #NovaScotia?!

This is a #FamilyFriendly event. ❤ There isn’t a huge amount of debris, but there are thousands of little pieces that we really need lots of hands to pick away at.

We also heard there is a net emerging from the sand on the end of the beach that we might try to tackle. (We already removed one huge dragger net in the past from this same area!)

Best part: THERE WILL BE HOT DOGS FOR THE WORKERS!!! Provided by the Sandy Cove Conservancy, THANK YOU! (We love snackies!)

Town of Digby Municipality of the District of Digby Digby Area Tourism