DISCOVER HALIFAX – Fill up on local goods at a festive fall market 

Halifax is bursting with fall markets this month.
Halifax is bursting with fall markets this month.

Halifax is bursting with fall markets this month. Stock up on farm-fresh produce and browse through one-of-a-kind goods from local artisans at one of these festive markets for the perfect autumn outing.  

Fall Vintage Show | October 5-6 | Light House Arts Centre 
Spooky Season at the Farmers’ Market | October 5, 12, 19, 26 | Acadia Hall 
20th Anniversary: Gather, Feast, Celebrate | October 9 | Halifax Brewery Market 
2nd Annual Spooky Ooky Market | October 13 | Spryfield Lions Rink 
Halloween Town Market | October 19 | Halifax Brewery Market 
Witches Market | October 19-20 | Halifax Forum 
Pumpkin Patch Fall Festival | October 19-20 | Fisherman’s Cove 
Ghosts & Ghouls Market | October 27 | Cole Harbour Place